Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The start of Swine Flu?

I got this as an email attachment today! Hysterical!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's

    • We told Mark that Anna had thrown up all night. He wouldn't go near her because Mr. Germ didn't want to get her 'disease'.
    • We took a photo of Anna with glasses and emailed it to Grandpa, Grandy and Uncle Francis. Grandpa said, "Too bad! Please give her my apologies for this unsatisfactory inheritance." And Uncle Francis said, "Well - at least it will be a whole new world - a crisp world - not surewhat the prescription is - but when I got them first - when I was 20 orso - it was AMAZING.Everything was SO clear."
    • I filled Scott's lunch/snack bag with packing peanuts instead of lunch.