Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Julie & Julia

Just watched "Julie & Julia".

What a great motivational movie. I love Julia for her determination and drive. I love Julie for her determination and drive.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

christmas cards


i send cards this time of year to touch base with friends and family far and near. those that live far away, i like to let them know that they are still important in my life and that i miss them. and for those that live close, i use it as an opportunity to write a one-liner to let them know something special that i might not have told them otherwise.

why do people send cards with nothing other than the greeting and their names printed? i don't understand this. it tells me that sending the card was perhaps a burden, that the sender didn't have time to spend the 30 seconds to write something, anything at all......

why do people send cards with photos of themselves? to brag about how they look? i understand sending photos of your children. they grow and change each year and it's great to document that growth and share it with friends and family.

why do people send year end re-cap letters letting people know what they have done all year? no matter how you put it - they always come off a gloating letter of how wonderful their family/children are. this child did that, that child did this, my husband did this, we traveled here and there, purchased this and that. I mean come on....the first thing is - who cares? and second why do people feel the need to share all that with so many others. is it really important when one buys a new car? how a child placed in sports? academics? isn't it just important that your childrean are happy and healthy? putting labels to their successes just comes across in a form letter as bragging!

i'm sure many will disagree. this is just my take!

Christmas Donation

Today I donated 2 gifts to a family in town for a 14 month old child. Going to the store, spending the money, wrapping the gifts and delivering was so little for me to do.....and I hope means a lot to the family this Christmas.

It felt so great!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Simplify in 2010 - #3 write

3. Write

  • write in my journal/blog
  • write letters - the old fashion way.
  • pick a friend a week, sit down and write that letter!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Simplify in 2010 - #2 reflect

2. Reflect:
  • keep a journal/blog - WRITE more!
  • life goes too fast and i want to take a moment to reflect each day.
  • take a slow moment to sit back and enjoy.
  • remember - happiness is a journey, not a destination!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Simplify in 2010 - #1 declutter

1. Declutter:

  • get rid of one bag of stuff from my house every day.
  • that will be 365 bags and they can be of any size.
  • it can be garbage, things to pass on or things to donate to goodwill.
  • and this should translate into one room a month!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2nd is a day to remember.

Today is my Uncle's birthday (born in 1950).
Today is the day my Grandfather died in 1968 at 58.
Today is the day my Grandmother died in 1990 at 79.
Today is the day my Aunt died in 1997 at 58.

How can so much happen in one family on one day?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Does my dog get car sick?

Today the dog got car sick while driving over the pass.

Will my weekends this winter be spent cleaning up dog barf?