Monday, June 14, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

6 Hours of Motherhood

6 hours?
Medal ceremony for Scott - tournament winning team!!,
Back to house,
Helped Mom make 5 beds,
Packed bags,
Packed car,
Made sandwiches for road trip,
Waving Goodbyes,
Got gas,
Bought a scratch off lottery,
Had Scott scratch off (I am always bad luck!),
Collected $15 winnings,
Hit the road back to VT,
Paid for car behind me in first toll (even though, at the time, there wasn’t one),
Paid for car behind me in second toll (they were behind me in red car),
Watched red car pass me without even looking my way – even though I paid their toll,
Pondered the random kindness to strangers – one of my 52 in 2010,
Fought to stay awake,
Watched Scott sound asleep...twitching,
Came up with more business ideas,
Acknowledge that I really do my thinking while driving,
Usual beautiful views hindered by smoke from CA wildfires,
Went food shopping,
Finally home,
Got the most amazing/grunting welcome home greeting from Bailey!,
Watered plants that looked dead,
Quickly did the rounds - peonies open, daisies, 15 poppies on ONE plant,
Note to self: photograph flowers tomorrow,
Unpacked car,
Unpacked/put away groceries,
Made dinner,
Did dishes,
Cleaned kitchen,
Unpacked bags,
Started laundry,
Poured glass of wine,
Checked email,

And that was only the past 6 hours.