Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Like the old days

Except this is for Scott. You'd think I would have let him make it! But no - I had to take it on with the rationale that he didn't have the floor space. Well. 1.5 hours later. I had built a $39 Walmart writing table for my app guy!

Isn't the comment on the instructions about Rome hilarious??

My word for 2016: Wisdom

Ok this is creepy. They make you share on FB to see the word - but I can see it here can't you?
Will certainly be interesting to see if this comes true.

Today. December 1st, 2015

I answered the door this morning and got this.
I love that Lady Rock!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

My coach wallet

I had this wallet for 19 years. I loved this wallet. And last year for Christmas the children gave me a beautiful replacement.

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Story of Jack's GS Suit

And now on to Ellie!!

Gift from Fiji

Anna brought these back for me. Look closely. Is she trying to tell me something?

Monday, October 12, 2015

Sunset tonight


So Mr. C came to A's game on Friday. He made Raclette for A and C. Ok that's adorable - but he also gave her an entire printout of how to become a CIA agent and this map - in case she ever got lost on the way to school.
Omg. Adorable. We all love this man!!!

Friday, September 25, 2015

My jean jacket

Tonight. Walking out of Bleu and woman complimented me on the color of my jacket and how well it went with my hair. She said I lit up the bar.

My Fortunes

Almost creepy.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015

tonight's SS TP feedback

"Can we not have toilet paper that makes me feel like we live in a third world country"


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Monday, August 31, 2015

10 Reasons why some people always know a lot

Just came across this today - so true. Here are the 10 as listed in the article link below:

  1. They tend to read a lot
  2. They are curious about other people
  3. They teach other people
  4. They participate in group discussions
  5. They play board games
  6. They watch documentaries on things that have shaped the world.
  7. They network
  8. They work on their self-development
  9. They never get comfortable
  10. They have the most utmost belief in themselves and their ability
I think these kinds of people are also the most interesting and creative. I happen to have quite a few of them in my family.

Monday, April 20, 2015


EQ - it's important. And as the article says - they don't teach it in school:

Quoted from the article:

Measuring emotional intelligence is relatively new in the field of psychology, only first being explored in the mid-80s. Several models are currently being developed, but for our purposes, we’ll examine what’s known as the “mixed model,” developed by psychologist Daniel Goleman. The mixed model has five key areas:
  • Self-awareness: Self-awareness involves knowing your own feelings. This includes having an accurate assessment of what you’re capable of, when you need help, and what your emotional triggers are.
  • Self-management: This involves being able to keep your emotions in check when they become disruptive. Self-management involves being able to control outbursts, calmly discussing disagreements, and avoiding activities that undermine you like extended self-pity or panic.
  • Motivation: Everyone is motivated to action by rewards like money or status. Goleman’s model, however, refers to motivation for the sake of personal joy, curiosity, or the satisfaction of being productive.
  • Empathy: While the three previous categories refer to a person’s internal emotions, this one deals with the emotions of others. Empathy is the skill and practice of reading the emotions of others and responding appropriately.
  • Social skills: This category involves the application of empathy as well as negotiating the needs of others with your own. This can include finding common ground with others, managing others in a work environment, and being persuasive.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Your Body Deserves the Best

Love these tips from Oprah's May 2015 magazine.

1. Coffee. Caffeine helps prevent malignant melanoma. People who drank 4 or more cups a day had on avg 25% lower risk.

Nelson Mandela's words

Saturday, March 28, 2015