Wednesday, January 10, 2007

50 ways to improve your life

US News & World Report had a great list in it's Dec 25, 2006 - Jan 1, 2007 issue. I found most of them true, inspiring and things that I want to do. Here's the list in short:

1. Get Happy - smile - I am pretty much always happy - never really get in a bad mood
2. Get in shape - workout harder
3. Get rid of your high problem - don't wear them anymore anyway.
4. Eat home cooked foods - do that - basically no good take out around here
5. Drink white tea - that's a new one to me - it has cancer fighting antioxidants
6. Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
7. Treat your contacts well - dna
8. Read books that change your life - I bought an Inconvenient Truth
9. Join a book club - I am not a fan! I'd rather a magazine club - and the point is for socializing... 10. Take up an instrument
11. Go tech free a day a week
12. Study Arabic
13. Start your own blog - DONE!
14. Rule your domain - kind of already have in my business
15. Study the Night Sky
16. Print Better Photos - ie Adobe
17. positive parenting
18. make a family cookbook
19. let your teen drive more
20. Save by spending for college
21. Divorce-proof your marriage
22. no to travel teams
23. no TV
24. Travel without DVD's
25. Coach your child's sports team
26. Help out in New Orleans
27. Vote!
28. conserve your local park
29. Help our troops
30. sustainable travel - see International Ecotourism Society
31. Learna bout Islam
32. Darfur - get involved
33. Give books to schools - see Room to Read or read Leaving Microsoft to Change the World
34. Clean the air - change your lightbulbs to incandescent ones!
35. Biodisel
36. Share a car - see Zipcar and Flexcar
37. Buy a smaller car
38. no to leaf blowers - better to rake for your bod & for your wallet & for the environment
39. Read World-changing: A User's Guide to the 21st Century
40. buy local
41. no to your dryer
42. see a glacier
43. lose weight - save on fuel
44. Don't DIY
45. check your contractor - Better Business Bureau or Angie's List
46. go for the free home makeover?
47. Get your home ready for resale
48. Don't buy near the coast
49. get a new vacuum cleaner with good filtering system
50. put molding in at least one room

love this list!!

Monday, January 8, 2007

My First Entry EVER!

Ok - so I am new at this....Blogging....I love the idea of having a place for me to write because I love to write. But I am unsure of the content and the direction my blog will take. So, I suppose I'll just start and see where it takes me.

Today I also made a new blog for my trip to Honduras with Scott. I am hoping that we will be able to post text and photos while we are there and people can visit it and even post comments that we will be able to read. Pretty cool - this blog thing!

I got my new bible in the mail today - it's called A Perect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder. Ok - so I certainly don't think that I am disorganized as I know where every last thing is in my house, but the books explains how a little bit of mess actually shows creativity and how "crammed closets, cluttered offices and on- the- fly planning make the world a better place." I'll write again about it once I've read it!

The other thing that is a part of my new mantra is a list published by US News & World Report - called 50 things to make you Happy in 2007. I'll do a seperate post about that.

Just enjoyed a rocking pilates class (that'd be with push-uos!) so gotta get back to work!