Monday, January 8, 2007

My First Entry EVER!

Ok - so I am new at this....Blogging....I love the idea of having a place for me to write because I love to write. But I am unsure of the content and the direction my blog will take. So, I suppose I'll just start and see where it takes me.

Today I also made a new blog for my trip to Honduras with Scott. I am hoping that we will be able to post text and photos while we are there and people can visit it and even post comments that we will be able to read. Pretty cool - this blog thing!

I got my new bible in the mail today - it's called A Perect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder. Ok - so I certainly don't think that I am disorganized as I know where every last thing is in my house, but the books explains how a little bit of mess actually shows creativity and how "crammed closets, cluttered offices and on- the- fly planning make the world a better place." I'll write again about it once I've read it!

The other thing that is a part of my new mantra is a list published by US News & World Report - called 50 things to make you Happy in 2007. I'll do a seperate post about that.

Just enjoyed a rocking pilates class (that'd be with push-uos!) so gotta get back to work!

1 comment:

lws said...

I'm testing to see if the comments page works....