Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Magic - I found it!

I found it!!

The stars and compasses and hearts aligned this morning and I found my necklace!! 

It started in the parking lot when Felicia forgot a leash for the beautiful Daisy and a morning Philo friend of mine offered to lend her hers. We chatted about my lost necklace, because she too has been on the lookout, and how I hadn't found it yet.

"Don't forget to look up", she says. "Someone might hang it on a branch."

So we start up the lower trail. I know where i think I lost it so we're looking up. I'm telling Felicia the story of when I got the necklace. "We were on one of the Greek Islands walking around and there were all these little jewelry shops - so we walk into one……

And then I see it. I see the necklace perfectly placed on a stump covered in moss. It was like the fairies put it there for me to find. And it was as though I had just walked into a new store and found my necklace. 

Screaming, swearing and tears followed. There it was waiting to be found BY ME!

Thank you so much to all the people who kept their eye out for my necklace, to the person who found it and put it on the stump, to Adria for telling me to look and to Felicia for being there to celebrate with me!!

I love where I live and all the beautiful people who make this place my home. 


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