Friday, July 1, 2022

Bailey - December 14, 2020

The notes I took when the vet called to tell me more about Bailey:


Shows a mass on the spleen

And shows metacis to the liver

Cancerous growth on spleen - and has metastasized to liver

Recommendation to chest X-rays to see it mestacized there.

Time where chose to not go forward. Can treat it agressibey - can remove mass and the spleen

And then have them tested.

But check to see if in the lungs.

Can help her with applitaive care

Or more aggressive 

Chest xray $300

Mass is growing within body - causes internal bleeding - and things rupture with internal bleeding - no blood in abdomen - at some point there will be a rupture and then internal bleeding and can see the distention and then at the end. Not there yet. But

Doesn't have enough platelets to go through surgery - that would be 1000's to get prepared for surgery - and could still die even after.

Her platelets are too low - she could start to bleed out at any moment.


Today $834 before pain 

Cremation - iv catheter with ashes returned - $1156.

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