Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Mom and Dad brought him a water gone. They were at Granny's house and Sandy was there. George filled the water gun and went after Sandy and Sandy was pissed!!
She remembers Georges wonderful laugh!
Love when these random memories come out.
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Let’s do this
It is a life returned to you. A life you have always deserved. When you are given the tools to come full circle, you can appreciate where you've come from, where you are, and what you have to do to stay there. Sometimes we think coming full circle only takes place within a physical location.
The circle is a universal symbol with extensive meaning. It represents the notions of totality, wholeness, original perfection, the Self, the infinite, eternity, timelessness, all cyclic movement, God ('God is a circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere' (Hermes Trismegistus)).
From the earliest of times, the circle has been a symbol of completeness, a symbol of committed love. An unbroken and never ending circle symbolizes a commitment of love that is also never ending.
A circle represents evolution as a process of transformation from death to birth, ending, and beginning, as a circle has no beginning and no end. In this sense, a circle represents eternity. In many customs and spiritual beliefs, a circle represents the Divine life-force or Spirit that keeps our reality in motion.
A circle represents evolution as a process of transformation from death to birth, ending, and beginning, as a circle has no beginning and no end. In this sense, a circle represents eternity. In many customs and spiritual beliefs, a circle represents the Divine life-force or Spirit that keeps our reality in motion. It is symbolic of vitality, wholeness, completion, and perfection.
With all the images that are simple and powerful, the circle has been known to be one of the most popular to be tattooed. From the days of the Neanderthal to modern man, circles have been used to represent certain ideas and meanings. One of the most basic, yet powerful, symbols, the circle is a representation of the universe in its most simple form. It is a primal symbol that portrays life and the cycle that leads to death and back to life again. The circle represents the cyclical nature of the universe and all life on earth, but we will get more into the meanings later.
Heart in a circle -
Love this life
Circle of love
Sense of wholeness guided by love
Traits & Themes
I love creating whether it's an image, a piece of writing, art, an idea or a new business
I love taking chances and leaps of faith - it's what makes me tick and has led me on some amazing journeys.
I love learning by reading, listening, watching and asking questions. Everyday.
Openness to Experience
I love being flexible, easy and uncomplicated, always willing to experience new things. Makes everything so much easier and more fun.
It's important to be honest with myself but also it's a trait that's at the top of my list for the people I bring into my inner circle.
I love having my passion match my purpose. I'm so lucky.
Find the silver lining, because there is always one.
Being kind, listening, truly hearing and being there for others. Giving of me for others. It probably makes me feel better than it does others.
Believe in yourself
You can do anything
There's always a silver lining
Only say yes to things you are passionate about
Find your purpose
Be accountable - take responsibility
Be open and spontaneous
Take care of yourself first
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Social Saturday errands
I took Robin up Philo with me this morning. We were long overdue for a good catch up! Then ran around doing errands and saw someone almost everywhere I went: Jan and Larry while picking up the dry cleaning, Deborah at Costco, John in the Shelburne Supermarket parking lot and Mia inside. What a treat to see and chat with so many people! Made my day.
The girl who gets gifts from birds - BBC News
This little 8 year old girl has been feeding crows since she was 4. And they are bringing her things they find in nature that are ours - broken bits of things and even a small heart.
Read it - you'll never think of crows the same way again.
Monday, April 11, 2022
Forgiveness is hard, about you, a journey and the ultimate freedom. Forgiveness does not mean that you think what the person did is ok. It does not mean you need to have that person in your life ever again.
I honestly never thought I could forgive him. The laundry list of what he did to me that deserved an apology was long and populated with some pretty awful things. Betrayal, anger, resentment, lies, broken trust, massive disrespect, yelling, swearing, name calling, lack of financial support, the trying to get alimony from me in the divorce(!!), the disappearance from parenting - just to name a few. Pretty much the only thing not on the list was physical abuse. And for that, I am thankful.
I honestly felt and expected that he would and should take responsibility for all the above and own it. Admit that he did all that and say he was sorry. After the divorce he kept telling his family and the kids that he really wanted to have a relationship with me - to which I said that he'd have to acknowledge and apologize for that to ever happen.
When I started therapy in 2016 the first thing Alison asked me was what I wanted out of the sessions with her. "I don't want to be angry", I told her becauseI know that anger and resentment only hurt - no wait, DESTROY the person who holds it.
The first thing I did was identify all the things I thought he owed me an apology for. It was hard to believe how much there was when I saw it in list format. It was so much I think I already knew he was never going to own it all. No way. But I still wanted it.
Then I had to really come to terms with the fact that he was never going to apologize or take responsibility for any of it. And that meant that I had to let go of my expectations - ie have none. And that was hard. I did a lot of writing emails to him that I only sent myself and that helped a lot. When I hit send it really didn't matter that my words weren't going to him because he'd never "hear" them anyway.
The other thing was that at that point we weren't communicating anyway - so there was no way we could even have a conversation about all he did. I was going to have to do this alone and make it all about me. A healthier me.
As the months crept on I found myself crying less - yes, I cried myself to sleep every night for a long time - hurting, in pain, suffering a huge loss and in total disbelief that the man I loved could do any of this to me and not seem to care enough to even apologize. The financial part was really tough. I had bills to pay and he would just say that he had done it for 25 years and now it was my turn. Financial insecurity is an entirely different kind of hell.
I started to be ok with the fact that I had no idea what my future held and almost started to thrive on the idea that I didn't know. And once you accept that fully it's actually kind of exciting to NOT know. Now I think life would be boring if I knew because I'm open to any idea or opportunity and just seeing where it goes. Some of my favorite experiences have come from my spontaneity.
Years went by and I was slowly realizing that I didn't have that expectation that he would ever apologize. That was huge. I accepted it. He's never going to apologize.
I did some reading about forgiveness where I learned that forgiving doesn't mean that I have to actually talk to him and say I forgive you. In fact, I could forgive and never see him again. And most importantly I never really understood that when you forgive it's for you - a gift you give yourself because you're releasing any anger or resentment and the past. And the past.
So I made the decision to forgive, give myself that gift and close the door on the past.
None of this happened overnight. It's been a long road with the past two years really being the ones that threw me to the other side. Things fell into place (ok that made it sound much easier than it was) with my many jobs. I love what I do, I feel so proud of my work. I have a purpose everyday and I am passionate about all I do. And somehow all of this made me realize the importance of letting go - living in the present. Today. And living through a lens of open awareness, love, gratitude, appreciation and being true to me.
It wasn't easy, in fact it was all just awful, but I am also so proud of the journey and path I've taken and I've put it all behind me. I feel a joy and a fire and excitement from within that I can't really put words to. At least not yet.