Monday, April 4, 2022


I was asked for a quote about my VLI experience:

"I had always heard great things about the VLI, but I wasn't really sure how my entrepreneurial background would fit into the program. On a whim, I decided to apply the day before the applications were due, and it turned out to be one of my better spontaneous ideas. Having the opportunity to learn from those in my class who work in the public and nonprofit sectors and then having direct access to so many of our leaders in government was an eye opening experience for me. I have a new found respect for the complex systems in which we all live, but more importantly, understanding the challenges to creating systemic change. Ultimately, it's relationships and understanding the lens with which someone comes to the table. The VLI has a unique, intimate way of fostering connections and engagement among Vermont's leaders that can lead to new initiatives and innovative thinking."

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